Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Nope nope nope

There are many sexist products out there in our world, but I think I want to nominate this one to take the top spot.

Mensez is a lipstick that will glue your labia shut while you have your period. Then when you pee, it will unglue and everything will fall clean away into the toilet.

Yes, that's right... GLUE. GLUE your labia together.

Do you want to guess who invented this?? A chiropractor. Not a gynecologist, a chiropractor. And it gets better? No woman would create this product, it was of course created by a man. A man who thinks, "a woman should have come up with a better solution than diapers and plugs, but you didn’t. Reason being women are focused on and distracted by your period 25% of the time, making them far less productive than they could be. Women tend to be far more creative than men, but their periods that [sic] stifle them and play with their heads."


Do you want more? He also said in an interview: “It makes more sense than putting the plug up there,” he told Forbes. “We’re using the vagina like a bladder just like tampons do.”

Yes, ladies. Your vagina should function like a bladder. It should hold all of your period blood until you're ready to empty it. Gross.

Periods are a natural bodily function and not gross. This man's ideas are gross. Women have many awesome period options these days that make dealing with menstruation easier. The vagina is not a storage device, it is a passageway. 

If you can stomach it, read more about the product from

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