Wednesday, March 8, 2017

More misogynistic news...

Not only are they sharing the photos on a private Facebook page with 30,000 members (is that really private??), they are sharing the names, ranks, and other information about the women in the pictures.  Moreover, there is a Google Drive folder with even more nude photos and information. This is just offensive on so many levels.

As the author on writes:
It appears these aggrieved men, forced to confront the rising specter of gender equality, are attempting to retain their male-only roles by bullying strong, eligible women out of their roles. This is a trend not just limited to the Marines. As women continue to battle their way into the workplace, decades after the rise of second wave feminism, workplace bullying is still disproportionately carried out by men, and women are disproportionately on the receiving end.

But the public, documentable nature of this case of harassment really begs the question: how did they think they were going to get away with it?

One only needs to look at the list of things that President of the United States has gotten away with saying about women to figure out why they did.

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